As the successful manufacturer selected for this project, Net Zero Water designed and built a turn-key rainwater harvesting system to collect rainwater and treat it to non-potable standards for toilet and urinal flushing applications.
The design was customized to meet the project’s specific goals and objectives. Key elements include high-quality treated water, durable and sustainable materials that will stand the test of time, and operational flexibility including full automation and controls.
The proposed rainwater harvesting system was designed to capture the 5mm storm and treat it to meet the anticipated water demand for toilet and urinal flushing from the facility. Due to the presence of the green roof in this development, the rainwater treatment system was designed for Tier 2 disinfection to treat cistern water under the influence of the green roofs to clear and safe water. The proposed non-potable booster pump package will deliver 120gpm at 121 feet TDH at skid discharge.
The final packaged rainwater treatment solution consisted of a cistern with accessories, a treatment and non-potable booster package skid (built and tested with ESA certification), and a day tank with accessories. The skid was completed with a central control unit programmed to continuously monitor water levels in the cistern and day tank, and equipment statuses and alarms on an HMI display with communication to the building automation system.
The Net Zero Water system is designed to be compact, configured for ease of maintenance, skid-mounted and complete with stainless steel pipe and fittings.
Additional Opportunity
As part of all Net Zero Water’s turn-key solutions, system commissioning, testing and training are included in the purchase of the system to ensure system operation and reliability for years to come.