Stormwater Reuse

What’s the difference between “rainwater” and “stormwater”?

These are definitions common in water reuse applications.  “Rainwater” is the relatively clean water that hits the roofs of buildings while “stormwater” hits green roofs, and grade level surfaces such as parking lots, landscaped areas and sidewalks. 

Treating stormwater is more challenging because of the extra contaminants in the water such as tannin, nutrients, hydrocarbon, heavy metals, viruses/bacteria and salt. Net Zero Water adds extra pre-treatment to condition the water so that it can be disinfected properly.

What Sets Us Apart?

Holistic Design:

Our systems cover every aspect of stormwater management, components include:

  • Cisterns: Robust storage tanks for rainwater and stormwater collection.
  • Accessories: Filters, screens, and overflow prevention mechanisms.
  • Pumps: Prefabricated and skid-mounted for efficient water transfer.
  • Treatment and Control Systems: Ensuring water quality.


Reliable Contingencies:

  • We build in make-up water provisions to ensure uninterrupted supply.
  • Critical Operation Features guarantee reliability even in challenging conditions.


Benefits of a reuse system for stormwater:

Water Supply Resilience:

  • Stormwater reuse provides a local, resilient water supply for water-stressed communities and industrial facilities.
  • It reduces reliance on traditional water sources.

Enhanced Water Quality:

  • Capturing stormwater eases the strain on sewer systems during heavy rain.
  • Treating stormwater for reuse prevents pollutants from reaching the environment.


Community Well-Being:

  • Our stormwater reuse systems prevent flooding in homes and public spaces.
  • They contribute resilience for communities.

Cost-Effective Solutions:

  • Large-scale stormwater reuse projects can be more cost-effective than other water sources.
  • The co-benefits address multiple infrastructure challenges simultaneously.

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